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Search parent order, send only list of orderUuids and receive a list of orderUuids in return

Search parent order, send only list of orderUuids and receive a list of orderUuids in return

Path Parameters
    department_token string required
Request Body required
    orderUuidList string[]
    customerUuidList string[]
    vehicleUuidList string[]
    orderStatus string[]
    orderFilterLabels string[]
    dealerUuid string
    openDateRequest object
    from string
    to string
    closeDateRequest object
    from string
    to string
    updatedDateRequest object
    from string
    to string
    createdDateRequest object
    from string
    to string
    departmentUuid string
    userUuid string[]
    size string
    pageNo string


    statusCode int32
    orders object[]
  • Array [
  • dealerUuid string
    customerUuid string
    vehicleUuid string
    dealerAssociateUuid string
    dealerOrderUuid string
    orderNumber string
    orderStatus string
    orderType string
    orderDate string
    closeDate string
    description string
    orderAmount number
    createdDate string
    tagOrHat string
    dealerOrderStatusFilter string[]
    updatedDate string
    transactions object[]
  • Array [
  • tenderDataId int64
    transactionId int64
    deviceId int64
    transactionTypeId int64
    transactionAmount number
    ccNumber string
  • ]
  • ]
  • errors object[]
  • Array [
  • errorCode string
    errorDescription string
    errorUID string
  • ]
  • warnings object[]
  • Array [
  • warningCode string
    warningDescription string
  • ]