Version: 7.27.2
myKaarma Payments API
The myKaarma Payments API is a RESTful API which provides several payments related methods.
List of Warnings And Errors
Code | Type | Title | Description |
150000 | Warning | NO_PREFERRED_DEALER_ID | no preferred DealerID |
100001 | Error | NULL_CREDENTIALS | Auth credentials are empty or null |
100002 | Error | ACCESS_FORBIDDEN | Access Forbidden!! |
100003 | Error | WRONG_CREDENTIAL | Authorization refused for provided credentials. Wrong username and password. |
100004 | Error | REQUEST_NOT_AUTHORIZED | Authentication passed but Authorization failed. |
100005 | Error | INTERNAL_SERVER_EXCEPTION | Something went wrong on our side |
100006 | Error | INVALID_REQUEST_DATA | Incorrect data sent in request |
100007 | Error | INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR | Internal Server Error |
100008 | Error | ACCESS_FORBIDDEN_INVALID_PARTNER | Invalid partner, Access Forbidden!! |
100009 | Error | ACCESS_FORBIDDEN_INVALID_PARTNER | Invalid partner, Access Forbidden!! |
100010 | Error | INVALID_DEALER_TOKEN | Invalid dealer token |
100011 | Error | INVALID_SCOPE_DEALER | No api scope dealer token |
100012 | Error | EMPTY_REQUEST_UUIDS | RequestUUIDList is Empty |
100013 | Error | INVALID_DEPARTMENT_TOKEN | Invalid department token |
100014 | Error | INVALID_SCOPE_DEPARTMENT | No api scope for department token |
100015 | Error | ACH_PROVIDER_NOT_CONFIGURED | No ACHProvider is configured |
100016 | Error | ERROR_WHILE_CREATE_ACH_CUSTOMER | ACH customer creation failed |
100017 | Error | ERROR_WHILE_FETCHING_ACH_CUSTOMER | ACH customer fetching failed |
100018 | Error | ERROR_WHILE_FETCHING_ACH_CUSTOMER_BANKDETAILS | Error while fetching customer bank details |
100019 | Error | ERROR_FETCHING_BUSINESSTYPES | Error while fetching business types |
100020 | Error | ERROR_WHILE_FETCHING_LINK_TOKEN | Error while fetching link token |
100021 | Error | ERROR_WHILE_ATTCHING_FUNDING_RESOURCE | Error while attaching funding resource |
100022 | Error | ERROR_WHILE_SAVING_FUNDING_RESOURCE | Error while saving funding resource |
100023 | Error | ERROR_WHILE_VERIFYING_FUNDING_RESOURCE | Error while verifying funding resource |
100024 | Error | ERROR_WHILE_FETCHING_BALANCE | Error while fecthing account balance |
100025 | Error | PROVIDER_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_BALANCE_CHECK | Balance check is not supported by provider |
100026 | Error | PEPAYMENT_VALIDATION_FAILED | Prepayment validation failed |
100026 | Error | ACH_CUSTOMER_BANK_UUID_NULL | BankUUID cannot be null |
100026 | Error | ACH_CUSTOMER_BANK_NULL | invalid BankUUID |
100027 | Error | ACH_UNVERIFIED_CUSTOMER_EXCEEDS_TRANSACTION_LIMIT | Transaction limit is $5000 for unverified customer |
100028 | Error | ACH_VERIFICATION_PENDING_EXCEEDS_TRANSACTION_LIMIT | Customer verification is pending.Transaction limit is $5000 for unverified customer |
100029 | Error | ACH_TRANSFER_FAILED | Error while making ach transfer |
100030 | Error | INVALID_ACH_CUSTOMER_UUID | Invalid ach customer UUID |
100031 | Error | ERROR_WHILE_DELETING_BANK_DETAILS | Error while deleting bank details |
100032 | Error | ACH_VOID_REFUND_FAILED | Void/Refund failed |
100033 | Error | TRANSACTIONS_LIST_IS_EMPTY | Empty transaction list |
100034 | Error | REQUIRED_FIELDS_MISSING | Missing required Fields |
100035 | Error | INVALID_DATA_FOR_THE_FIELD | Invalid data passed for the field |
100033 | Error | DATA_TOO_LARGE | Data size greater than 1000 rows, Need to be emailed |
100034 | Error | ERROR_WHILE_CREATE_BENEFICIAL_OWNER | Beneficial Owner creation failed |
100035 | Error | INVALID_PAYMNETREQUEST_GUID | Invalid Payment Request GUID |
100036 | Error | INVALID_CIUSTOMER_GUID | Invalid Customer GUID |
100038 | Error | INVALID_CUSTOMER_GUID | Invalid customer GUID |
100039 | Error | INVALID_CARDHASH_CUSTOMERUUID | Invalid Customer GUID/Card hash |
100040 | Error | INVALID_INVOICE_ID | Invalid Invoice ID |
100041 | Error | INVALID_DEALERORDER_UUID | Invalid DealerOrder UUID |
100042 | Error | INVALID_DEALER | Dealer UUID is not present in the database |
100043 | Error | INVALID_DEPARTMENT | DealerDepartment is not present in the database |
100044 | Error | INVALID_PAYMENT_ATTEMPT_ID | Invalid PaymentAttempt Id |
100045 | Error | EERROR_UPDATING_PAYMENT_ATTEMPT | Error updating PaymentAttempt |
100045 | Error | ERROR_WHILE_FETHING_FEES | Error while fetching fees |
100046 | Error | ERROR_FETCHING_PAYMENT_ATTEMPT_ATTRIBUTES | Error fetching PaymentAttemptAttributes |
100047 | Error | INVOICE_ALREADY_PAID | Error Payment Invoice Already Paid |
100048 | Error | REPAIR_ORDER_CLOSED | Repair order is closed |
100049 | Error | ERROR_CREATING_PAYMENTATTEMPT | Payment Attempt could not be created |
100050 | Error | SUSPECTED_DUPLICATE_PAYMENT | duplicate payment |
100051 | Error | DEVICE_PURCHSE_ORDER_NOT_FOUND | Order does not exist. |
100052 | Error | DEVICE_PURCHSE_ORDER_ALREADY_CONFIRMED | Order cannot be confirmed twice. |
100053 | Error | DEVICE_PURCHSE_ORDER_ALREADY_CANCELED | Order is already canceled. |
100053 | Error | INVALID_DEVICE_PURCHSE_ORDER_SHIPPING_ADDRESS | The shipping address in your request is invalid. |
100054 | Error | INVALID_DEVICE_PURCHSE_ORDER_SHIPPING_PHONE_NUMBER | The phone number is empty or invalid. |
100055 | Error | INVALID_DEVICE_PURCHSE_ORDER_SHIPPING_EMAIL_ADDRESS | The email address is empty or invalid. |
100056 | Error | INVALID_DEVICE_PURCHSE_ORDER_ADDRESS_LINE1 | The line1 in address is empty or invalid. It should have a minimum of 3 characters. |
100057 | Error | INVALID_DEVICE_PURCHSE_ORDER_QUANTITY | The quantity requested is either not available or exceeds the per order limit. |
100059 | Error | INVALID_DEVICE_PURCHSE_ORDER_SHIPPING_ADDRESS_POSTAL_CODE | The postal code is empty or invalid. |
100060 | Error | INVALID_DEVICE_PURCHSE_ORDER_SHIPPING_ADDRESS_STATE | The state code is empty or invalid. |
100061 | Error | INVALID_DEVICE_PURCHSE_ORDER_SHIPPING_ADDRESS_CITY | The city is empty or invalid. |
100062 | Error | INVALID_DEVICE_PURCHSE_ORDER_SHIPPING_NAME | The name is empty or invalid. It should have a minimum of 3 characters. |
100063 | Error | INVALID_COUNTRY_CODE | The country code is invalid. |
100064 | Error | ANOTHER_REQUEST_IN_PROGRESS | Another request for the same order is being processed. Please wait and try again later. |
100065 | Error | ERROR_WHILE_CREATING_TRANSACTION_INCOMPLETE | Error occured while accouting failed transaction |
100066 | Error | ERROR_WHILE_MOVING_DEVICES_ACROSS_DEALERS | Error while moving devices across dealers |
100067 | Error | ERROR_GENERATING_RECEIPT | Error occured while generating receipt |
100068 | Error | ERROR_FETCHING_TRANSACTION | Error in fetching transaction |
100069 | Error | VALID_DEPARTMENT_UUID_NOT_FOUND | The dealership doesn't have a valid department-uuid for communications. |
100070 | Error | PAYMENT_REPORT_NOT_SENT | Unable to send the payment report via email, there might be issue with the Kcomm API. |
100071 | Error | UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT | An unsupported format was passed. |
100072 | Error | UNABLE_TO_GENERATE_PAYMENT_REPORT_HTML | Encountered error while generating payment report HTML. |
100073 | Error | UNABLE_TO_UPLOAD_FILE_TO_S3 | Unable to upload a file to S3 and generate a presigned URL. |
100074 | Error | SIGNATURE_REQUEST_SUCCESS_CALLBACK_URL_NOT_FOUND | SuccessCallBackUrl is not present in signature_request_dto |
100075 | Error | SIGNATURE_REQUEST_SIGNATURE_CAPTURE_URL_NOT_FOUND | SignatureCaptureUrl is not present in signature_request_dto |
100076 | Error | SIGNATURE_REQUEST_SPI_REQUEST_UUID_NOT_FOUND | SignatureRequestUuid is not present in signature_request_dto |
100077 | Error | SIGNATURE_REQUEST_NOT_SAVED | Error in saving SignatureRequest |
100078 | Error | SIGNERS_DOCS_NOT_FOUND | No Signer/Docs exists in DB for the given SignatureRequest |
10079 | Error | SIGNATURE_REQUEST_NOT_FOUND | No SignatureRequest exists in DB for the request |
100080 | Error | PREQUALIFICATION_EMAIL_NOT_SENT | PreQualification Email was not sent to user due to failure status received from kcommunications-api |
100081 | Error | DEALER_NOT_FOUND | Dealer response was not present after hitting kmanage |
100082 | Error | DEALER_ASSOCIATE_NOT_FOUND | Dealer Associate response was not present |
100083 | Error | INVALID_INVOICE_UUID | Invalid Invoice UUID |
100084 | Error | PAYMENT_REQUEST_EMAIL_NOT_SENT | PaymentRequest Email was not sent to user due to failure status received from kcommunications-api |
100085 | Error | PAYMENT_REQUEST_TEXT_NOT_SENT | PaymentRequest Text was not sent to user due to failure status received from kcommunications-api |
100086 | Error | INVOICE_UUID_NOT_PRESENT | Invoice UUID Not present in RequestDTO |
100087 | Error | PAYMENT_DEALER_NOT_PRESENT_IN_INVOICE | PaymentDealer Not Present in InvoiceDTO |
100088 | Error | PAYMENT_DEALER_ORDER_NOT_PRESENT_IN_INVOICE | PaymentDealerOrder Not Present in InvoiceDTO |
100089 | Error | PAYMENT_CUSTOMER_NOT_PRESENT_IN_INVOICE | PaymentCustomer Not Present in InvoiceDTO |
100090 | Error | PAYMENT_USER_NOT_PRESENT_IN_INVOICE | PaymentUser Not Present in InvoiceDTO |
100091 | Error | INVALID_CUSTOMER_UUID | Invalid customer UUID |
100092 | Error | INVALID_SHORT_URL | Invalid Short Url Generated |
100093 | Error | CUSTOMER_BLACKLISTED | Customer has been blacklisted |
100094 | Error | PAYMENT_REQUEST_EXPIRED | Payment Request is expired |
100095 | Error | PAYMENT_REQUEST_OBSOLETE | Payment Request is not the latest one |
100096 | Error | ERROR_WHILE_CREATING_ORDER | Unable to create order |
100097 | Error | ORDER_ALREADY_EXISTS | Order already exists |
100098 | Error | DEALER_ASSOCIATE_DEPARTMENT_MISSING | Dealer associate department is missing from dealer order |
100099 | Error | DEALER_VIRTUAL_ATTRIBUTES_MISSING | Dealer Virtual Attributes are missing for dealer |
100100 | Error | SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE | The requested service is currently unavailable |
100118 | Error | INVALID_DEPARTMENT_IN_REQUEST | The departmentUuid present in path does not match with that of resource paymentDealerOrder of invoice |
100101 | Error | INVALID_DEVICE_ID | Invalid Device Id |
100102 | Error | ERROR_FETCHING_GATEWAY_CONFIG | Error fetching gateway config |
100103 | Error | DUPLICATE_DEVICE_ID_ENTRY | Duplicate device id entry |
100104 | Error | DUPLICATE_DEVICE_ALIAS_ENTRY | Duplicate device alias entry |
100105 | Error | ERROR_WHILE_DELETING_DEVICE | Error while deleting device |
100106 | Error | ERROR_WHILE_REGISTERING_DEVICE | Error while registering device |
100107 | Error | ERROR_WHILE_DEREGISTERING_DEVICE | Error while deregistering device |
100108 | Error | ERROR_WHILE_CHECKING_CUSTOMER_BLACKLIST | Error while checking customer blacklist |
100109 | Error | ERROR_WHILE_UPDATING_CUSTOMER_BLACKLIST | Error while updating customer blacklist |
100110 | Error | ERROR_WHILE_ADDING_CUSTOMER_BLACKLIST | Error while adding customer blacklist |
100111 | Error | ERROR_WHILE_FETCHING_DEVICE | Error while fetching device |
100112 | Error | ERROR_WHILE_ADDING_DEVICE | Error while adding device |
100113 | Error | ERROR_WHILE_UPDATING_DEVICE | Error while updating device |
100114 | Error | ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND | Device not found with the given deviceUuid |
100115 | Error | MKP_GATEWAY_UNKNOWN | Unknown payment gateway |
100117 | Error | MISSING_REGISTRATION_CREDENTIALS | Registration credentials not obtained during device registration |
100118 | Error | MISSING_TENDER_SUBTYPE | Failed to fetch tender subtype. Obtained null or empty tender subtype from DB |
100119 | Error | INVALID_DEALER_UUID | Dealer UUID is null or empty |
100118 | Error | MISSING_TRANSACTION_STATUS | TransactionStatus is a mandatory field |
100119 | Error | INVALID_DATE_REQUEST | fromDate is after toDate in request |
100120 | Error | INVALID_TRANSACTION_UUID | Error fetching transaction using the given UUID |
100121 | Error | ERROR_FROM_KORDER | Unable to get response from Korder-API |
100121 | Error | ERROR_WHILE_COMPILING_FM_TEMPLATE | There was an error while compiling template freemarker template using TemplateEngine. |
100122 | Error | SIGNED_INVOICE_NOTIFICATION_NOT_SEND | Signed invoice notification was not sent to users due to some exception |
100123 | Error | SIGNED_INVOICE_NOTIFICATION_NOT_SEND | Signed invoice notification was not sent to users due to some exception |
100124 | Error | SIGNED_INVOICE_NOTIFICATION_NOT_SEND | Signed invoice notification was not sent to users due to some exception |
100125 | Error | ERROR_WHILE_FETCHING_AR_EMAIL_TEMPLATE | Got error while fetching activity report email template |
100126 | Error | ERROR_WHILE_FETCHING_DEALER | Error while fetching dealer |
HTTP: Basic Auth
Security Scheme Type: | http |
HTTP Authorization Scheme: | basic |