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How to get factory-menus

This document is designed to help you understand how you can fetch a list of all the factory-menus owned by a dealership and use filters. To get this data, you first need your credentials. If you don't already have one, head over to the Authentication and Authorization page to see how you can request for credentials from us.

The endpoint mentioned below can be used to get the list of all the factory-menus owned by a dealership.

Currently, the required attributes to fetch factory menus are baseVehicleId, mileageDTOList, and brandUuidList. Soon myKaarma vehicle UUID / VIN / model & year will also be supported.

Note that you need to show the models and years from mykaarma in your schedule to use the model and year parameter to fetch factory menus. Otherwise, there may be an issue with matching the names of the models with mykaarma. If you don't use mykaarma models and do not have other parameters to fetch menus, talk to your mykaarma API representative to discuss further.


HTTP request



Parameter NameValueDescription
dealerUUIDstringUnique identifier (UUID) of the dealership for which you want to fetch the operation codes


This request requires following scopes

ScopeLevelDescription client to get factory-menus for given dealership

Request Body

Parameter NameValueRequiredDescription
requesterUserUUIDstringNoThe unique identifier (UUID) of the user making the request. This field is used to identify the requester within the system.
onlineSchedulerVisibilitybooleanNoA flag indicating whether to only fetch the operation codes visible in the online scheduler. If true, only the operation codes which are visible in the online scheduler will be returned.
mobileServiceVisibilitybooleanNoA flag indicating whether to only fetch the operation codes visible in the mobile service. If true, only the operation codes which are visible in the mobile service will be returned.
serviceCartVisibilitybooleanNoA flag indicating whether to only fetch the operation codes visible in the service cart. If true, only the operation codes which are visible in the service cart will be returned.
dealerAppSchedulerVisibilitybooleanNoA flag indicating whether to only fetch the operation codes visible in the dealer app scheduler. If true, only the operation codes which are visible in the dealer app scheduler will be returned.
checkInVisibilitybooleanNoA flag indicating whether to only fetch the operation codes visible in the check-in. If true, only the operation codes which are visible in the check-in will be returned.
startPositionnumberNoThe starting position for paginated results. This field is used to define the beginning index for fetching records.
endPositionnumberNoThe ending position for paginated results. This field is used to define the last index for fetching records.
isLastPagebooleanNoA flag indicating if the current set of results is the last page. If true, no further pages are available.
resultSizenumberNoThe number of results returned in the current response. This field indicates the size of the result set.
communicationCodeslist<string>NoA list of communication codes used for filtering the operation codes. Each string in the array represents a specific communication code.
opCodeslist<string>NoA list of operation codes (laborOpCode) that are included in the request. Each string in the array represents a specific operation code.
uuidListlist<string>NoA list of unique identifiers (UUIDs) of the operation codes. Each string in the array corresponds to a specific operation code.
getTotalCountbooleanNoA flag indicating whether the total count of records should be included in the response. If true, the total number of records will be returned.
getMkAndDmsSimilarOpcodeCountbooleanNoA flag that determines whether the count of similar operation codes between Mk and DMS should be returned. When set to true, this count will be included in the response.
searchTokenstringNoA token used for searching specific records or data. The search token helps in filtering the results based on the given criteria. Search can be done on laborOpCode, mkDescription, dmsDescription, opCodeName and menuName.
sortPreferencestringNoDefines the preferred field for sorting the results. Possible values OPCODE, NAME, PRICE.
sortDirectionstringNoSpecifies the direction of sorting. Possible values are ASCENDING or DESCENDING.
eventDealerAssociateUuidstringNoThe unique identifier (UUID) of the dealer associate associated with the EVENT.
serviceTypeListlist<string>NoA list of service types to filter the request. Each string in the array represents a specific type of service, possible values are MAINTENANCE, REPAIR, INSPECT, SERVICE.
typeListlist<string>NoA list of types related to the request. Each string in the array represents a specific type, such as OPCODE.
mileageDTOListlist<MileageDTO>YesA list of mileage data transfer objects (DTOs) that includes startMileage, repeatInterval, and endMileage. Each object defines the mileage parameters for filtering the operation codes.
baseVehicleIdnumberYesThe identifier for the base vehicle. This ID is used to specify the base model or type of vehicle associated with the operation codes.
engineIdnumberNoThe identifier for the engine. This field is used to specify the engine type associated with the operation codes.
minPricenumberNoThe minimum price filter for the results. This value sets the lower bound for total price in the operation codes.
maxPricenumberNoThe maximum price filter for the results. This value sets the upper bound for total price in the operation codes.
dmsLaborPriceMismatchbooleanNoA flag indicating whether there is a mismatch in labor prices between the DMS (Dealer Management System) and myKaarma. If true, only the mismatched ones are returned.
severityFlagstringNoA flag or indicator of the severity level associated with the operation codes. The value could represent different levels of severity (NORMAL, SEVERE).
engineListlist<string>NoA list of engine types or models associated with the operation codes. Each string in the array represents a specific engine.
modelListlist<string>NoA list of vehicle models associated with the operation codes. Each string in the array represents a specific model.
yearListlist<string>NoA list of vehicle years associated with the operation codes. Each number in the array represents a specific model year.
trimListlist<string>NoA list of vehicle trims associated with the request. Each string in the array represents a specific trim level.
brandUuidListlist<string>YesA list of brand uuids associated with the operation codes. Each string in the array represents a specific brand.


curl -X POST "{{dealerUuid}}/factory-menus/searches"
--header 'accept: application/json' \
-u "{{username}}:{{password}}" \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"requesterUserUUID": {{requesterUserUUID}},
"onlineSchedulerVisibility": {{onlineSchedulerVisibility}},
"mobileServiceVisibility": {{mobileServiceVisibility}},
"serviceCartVisibility": {{serviceCartVisibility}},
"dealerAppSchedulerVisibility": {{dealerAppSchedulerVisibility}},
"checkInVisibility": {{checkInVisibility}},
"startPosition": {{startPosition}},
"endPosition": {{endPosition}},
"isLastPage": {{isLastPage}},
"resultSize": {{resultSize}},
"communicationCodes": {{communicationCodes}},
"opCodes": {{opCodes}},
"uuidList": {{uuidList}},
"getTotalCount": {{getTotalCount}},
"getMkAndDmsSimilarOpcodeCount": {{getMkAndDmsSimilarOpcodeCount}},
"searchToken": {{searchToken}},
"sortPreference": {{sortPreference}},
"sortDirection": {{sortDirection}},
"eventDealerAssociateUuid": {{eventDealerAssociateUuid}},
"serviceTypeList": {{serviceTypeList}},
"typeList": {{typeList}},
"mileageDTOList": [
"startMileage": {{startMileage}},
"repeatInterval": {{repeatInterval}},
"endMileage": {{endMileage}}
"baseVehicleId": {{baseVehicleId}},
"engineId": {{engineId}},
"minPrice": {{minPrice}},
"maxPrice": {{maxPrice}},
"dmsLaborPriceMismatch": {{dmsLaborPriceMismatch}},
"severityFlag": {{severityFlag}},
"engineList": {{engineList}},
"modelList": {{modelList}},
"yearList": {{yearList}},
"trimList": {{trimList}}


"errors": [
"errorName": "string",
"errorMessage": "string",
"errorCode": 0
"warnings": [
"warningCode": "string",
"warningTitle": "string",
"warningMessage": "string"
"statusCode": 0,
"apiRequestId": "string",
"operationDTOList": [
"laborOpCode": "string",
"opCodeName": "string",
"description": "string",
"totalPrice": "string",
"opCodeDurationInMinutes": "string",
"isValid": true,
"uuid": "string",
"inMobileService": true,
"inOnlineScheduler": true,
"communicationCode": "string",
"payType": "string",
"inServiceCart": true,
"inDealerAppScheduler": true,
"dmsDescription": "string",
"laborPrice": "string",
"dmsLaborPrice": "string",
"partsPrice": "string",
"dmsPartsPrice": "string",
"taxAmount": "string",
"dmsTaxAmount": "string",
"dmsTotalPrice": "string",
"sortOrder": 0,
"correction": "string",
"cause": "string",
"soldHours": 0,
"dispatchCode": "string",
"comebackFlag": true,
"usagePercentile": 0,
"position": 0,
"leadTimeInMinutes": 0,
"isIndexed": true,
"isDefault": true,
"notes": "string",
"serviceType": "string",
"serviceTypeServiceCart": "string",
"recallId": "string",
"vehicleMileageConfigDTOList": [
"brandDTO": {
"id": 0,
"name": "string",
"motorsMakeId": 0,
"motorsMakeName": "string"
"year": "string",
"model": "string",
"trim": "string",
"engine": "string",
"mileageUuid": "string",
"uuid": "string",
"motorsBaseVehicleId": "string",
"motorsEngineId": "string",
"isValid": true
"dailyLimitConfigDTOList": [
"dayNumber": 0,
"dayLimit": 0
"pullEstimateInSC": true,
"miscPrice": "string",
"useDmsPrice": true,
"showDmsPriceMismatchWarning": true,
"noPartsNeeded": true,
"inCheckIn": true,
"quickOpLiteUuid": "string",
"invoiceLineList": [
"menuName": "string",
"operationType": "OPCODE",
"dealerUuid": "string",
"isCustomConcern": true,
"taxonomyId": 0,
"severityFlag": "string",
"isSeverityNormal": true,
"isSeveritySevere": true,
"notesSevere": [
"notesNormal": [
"motorsOperationName": "string",
"mileage": 0,
"motorsMake": "string",
"motorsMakeId": 0,
"totalPriceForConversion": 0
"totalCount": 0,
"mkAndDmsSimilarOpcodeCount": 0,
"pricingVisibleToCustomer": true

Sample Response

"errors": null,
"warnings": null,
"statusCode": 200,
"apiRequestId": "c043b46a-7f03-4bc8-a7d9-22620bc97bbe",
"operationDTOList": [
"laborOpCode": "30K",
"totalPrice": null,
"opCodeDurationInMinutes": null,
"isValid": true,
"uuid": "b1u6v1ceadIzjrIYiPVqaK2V_axRMPw22vM9UQLDBq0",
"inMobileService": false,
"inOnlineScheduler": false,
"communicationCodes": null,
"payType": null,
"inServiceCart": false,
"inDealerAppScheduler": true,
"laborPrice": null,
"dmsLaborPrice": null,
"partsPrice": null,
"dmsPartsPrice": null,
"taxAmount": null,
"dmsTaxAmount": null,
"dmsTotalPrice": null,
"sortOrder": null,
"correction": null,
"cause": null,
"soldHours": null,
"dispatchCode": null,
"comebackFlag": null,
"usagePercentile": null,
"position": 0,
"leadTimeInMinutes": null,
"isIndexed": true,
"isDefault": null,
"notes": null,
"serviceType": null,
"serviceTypeServiceCart": null,
"recallId": null,
"vehicleMileageConfigDTOList": [
"brandDTO": {
"id": null,
"name": null,
"motorsMakeId": 2,
"motorsMakeName": "Porsche"
"year": null,
"model": null,
"trim": null,
"engine": null,
"mileageUuid": "DZ8GPo4RnBphcpb6SbsjGORL-sJwAmHSnDsQLOvxIoo",
"uuid": null,
"motorsBaseVehicleId": "84",
"motorsEngineId": "185",
"isValid": null
"dailyLimitConfigDTOList": null,
"pullEstimateInSC": null,
"miscPrice": null,
"useDmsPrice": null,
"showDmsPriceMismatchWarning": null,
"noPartsNeeded": null,
"inCheckIn": null,
"quickOpLiteUuid": "WjSR3tYxEOsX5De_XZJe43ZBo3KTyxZY3VU7Zyi0ekE",
"invoiceLineList": [
"laborOpCode": null,
"opCodeName": null,
"description": null,
"totalPrice": null,
"opCodeDurationInMinutes": null,
"isValid": true,
"uuid": "XlcXeAZ9mDC2HLYewQB-n5s6JygGlcOMcyouw2gLnYk",
"inMobileService": null,
"inOnlineScheduler": null,
"communicationCodes": null,
"payType": null,
"inServiceCart": null,
"inDealerAppScheduler": null,
"dmsDescription": null,
"laborPrice": null,
"dmsLaborPrice": null,
"partsPrice": null,
"dmsPartsPrice": null,
"taxAmount": null,
"dmsTaxAmount": null,
"dmsTotalPrice": null,
"sortOrder": null,
"correction": null,
"cause": null,
"soldHours": null,
"dispatchCode": null,
"comebackFlag": null,
"usagePercentile": null,
"position": 0,
"leadTimeInMinutes": null,
"isIndexed": true,
"isDefault": null,
"notes": null,
"serviceType": "Service",
"serviceTypeServiceCart": null,
"recallId": null,
"vehicleMileageConfigDTOList": null,
"dailyLimitConfigDTOList": null,
"pullEstimateInSC": null,
"miscPrice": null,
"useDmsPrice": null,
"showDmsPriceMismatchWarning": null,
"noPartsNeeded": null,
"inCheckIn": null,
"quickOpLiteUuid": null,
"invoiceLineList": null,
"menuName": null,
"dealerUuid": "111b2de0b812fc8c1e408dede951d60d8c62d54da0c0269c43aa6a15ae7aff18",
"isCustomConcern": null,
"taxonomyId": 11747,
"severityFlag": null,
"isSeverityNormal": true,
"isSeveritySevere": null,
"notesSevere": null,
"notesNormal": null,
"motorsOperationName": "Engine Oil Filter R&R",
"mileage": 40000,
"motorsMake": "Porsche",
"motorsMakeId": 2,
"totalPriceForConversion": 0.0
"menuName": "30000 miles maintenance schedule",
"dealerUuid": "c01e46c0bfdc4ef5110a36ddf5826f8d0b8e7a4897e99f89d88248dcc7bff48b",
"isCustomConcern": null,
"taxonomyId": 0,
"severityFlag": null,
"isSeverityNormal": null,
"isSeveritySevere": null,
"notesSevere": null,
"notesNormal": null,
"motorsOperationName": "30000 miles maintenance schedule",
"mileage": null,
"motorsMake": "Porsche",
"motorsMakeId": 2,
"totalPriceForConversion": 0.0
"totalCount": 196,
"mkAndDmsSimilarOpcodeCount": null,
"pricingVisibleToCustomer": null