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How to filter MPIs

This document is designed to help you understand how you can fetch a list of filetered MPI's based on certain paramters. To get filtered mpi list based on certain paramters, you first need your credentials. If you don't already have one, head over to the Authentication and Authorization page to see how you can request for credentials from us.

The endpoint mentioned below can help you with filetring out mpis -

  • Parameters Used:
  1. {{dealerDepartmentUuid}} - UUID of the dealer department you want to fetch mpi list from
  2. {{fromDate}} - Starting date of mpi list you want to fetch
  3. {{toDate}} - End date of mpi list you want to fetch
  4. orderStatusList - List containing the order statuses of mpis. Possible Values are 'O', 'P', 'C'
  5. {{basic_auth_token}} - Authorization: Basic "generate using username password"
  • Scope: The service subscriber needs to have the following scope for the department in the request - multipoint.inspection.fetch

  • Endpoint

curl -X POST "{{dealerDepartmentUuid}}/multiPointInspections" 
-H "accept: application/json"
-H "authorization: {{basic_auth_token}}"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d "{
"assignedToParts": true,
"customerUUIDs": [],
"fromDate": "{{fromDate}}",
"hasMedia": true,
"inspectionOverdue": true,
"inspectionTypeList": [],
"isIncomplete": true,
"isInspectionTakerUnassigned": true,
"isWaiter": true,
"labelsList": [],
"mediaUploadStatus": "string",
"mpiStatusList": [],
"offset": 0,
"orderNumber": "string",
"orderStatusList": [],
"orderUUID": "string",
"partStatusList": [],
"partsPendingSale": true,
"recommendationStatusList": [],
"saList": [],
"sentStatus": "string",
"technicianList": [],
"toDate": "{{toDate}}",
"vin": "string",
"workStatusList": []
  • Response
"errors": [
"errorCode": "string",
"errorDescription": "string",
"errorUID": "string"
"mpisForOrdersMap": {},
"ordersWithoutMpis" "[]
"statusCode": integer,
"warnings": [
"warningCode": "string",
"warningDescription": "string"

{mpisForOrdersMap} - Hashmap where key is orderUuid and value if set of mpi's for that orderUuid