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Bulk Upload operations for a dealer

This function handles bulk upload operations for a dealer in a Java Spring application.

Path Parameters
    dealerUUID string required

    The dealerUUID parameter is a unique identifier for a dealer, which is extracted from the path variable in the URL. It is used to specify the dealer for whom the bulk upload operations are being performed.

Query Parameters
    requester_user_uuid string required

    The requesterUserUuid parameter in the bulkUploadOperations method is a unique identifier for the user making the request. It is a required parameter and must be provided in the request as a query parameter with the key requesterUserUuid. This identifier helps track and log the user

    invalidateOtherOpcodes boolean

    The invalidateOtherOpcodes parameter in the bulkUploadOperations method is a boolean flag that indicates whether other opcodes should be invalidated during the bulk upload operation. If invalidateOtherOpcodes is set to true, it means that existing opcodes for the dealer should be invalidated

Request Body
    csvFile binary required

    The csvFile parameter in the bulkUploadOperations method is of type MultipartFile and represents the CSV file that is being uploaded for bulk operations for a dealer. This file contains the data that needs to be processed by the bulkUploadOperations method.


A ResponseEntity object containing an ApiResponse is being returned.

    errors object[]
  • Array [
  • errorName string
    errorMessage string
    errorCode int32
  • ]
  • warnings object[]
  • Array [
  • warningCode string
    warningTitle string
    warningMessage string
  • ]
  • statusCode int32
    apiRequestId string