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Delete operations for a dealer

This Java function handles the deletion of operations for a dealer, including authorization checks and logging.

Path Parameters
    dealerUUID string required

    The dealerUUID parameter in the deleteOperations method represents the unique identifier of the dealer for whom the operations are being deleted. It is extracted from the path variable in the URL.

Request Body required

The deleteOperationsRequest parameter in the deleteOperations method is of type DeleteOperationsRequest. It is a request object that contains information needed to delete operations for a dealer. This object likely includes data such as the operations to be deleted, requester user UUID, and any other relevant details

    requesterUserUUID string
    customMenuUuidList string[]
    quickOpLiteUuidList string[]

A ResponseEntity object containing a DeleteOperationsResponse is being returned from this deleteOperations method.

    errors object[]
  • Array [
  • errorName string
    errorMessage string
    errorCode int32
  • ]
  • warnings object[]
  • Array [
  • warningCode string
    warningTitle string
    warningMessage string
  • ]
  • statusCode int32
    apiRequestId string
    customMenuUuidList string[]
    quickOpLiteUuidList string[]