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Version: v2

myKaarma Customer API

The myKaarma Kcustomer API is a RESTful API which provides several customer and vehicle related methods.

List of Warnings And Errors

| Code | Type | Title | Description
| ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ----------

| 10001 | Warning | **NO_CUSTOMER_FOUND** | No customer found for given search term
| 10002 | Warning | **INVALID_MAXRESULTS** | Invalid maxResults. maxResults should be greater than 1 and less than 100. Will be used 100 by default
| 10003 | Warning | **SEARCH_TERM_LIMIT** | Search term exceeds 150 characters, searching for first 150 characters
| 10004 | Warning | **INVALID_SEARCH_PREFERENCE** | Invalid request. Search Preference should either be 'vehicle' or 'customer'. Used customer by default
| 10005 | Warning | **DELETED_ALL_PHONE_NUMBERS** | Phone list is null or empty hence all phone numbers have been deleted for customer
| 10006 | Warning | **DELETED_ALL_EMAILS** | Email list is null or empty hence all emails have been deleted for customer
| 10007 | Warning | **EMPTY_PHONE_LIST** | Phone list is null or empty
| 10008 | Warning | **EMPTY_EMAIL_LIST** | Email list is null or empty
| 10009 | Warning | **EMPTY_EMAIL_SET** | Some email sets are null or empty
| 10010 | Warning | **EMPTY_PHONE_SET** | Some phone sets are null or empty
| 10011 | Warning | **EMPTY_PHONE_NUMBER** | Phone number can't be null or empty
| 10012 | Warning | **EMPTY_EMAIL** | Email address can't be null or empty
| 10013 | Warning | **NO_VALID_PHONE_FOUND** | All provided phones are invalid. Please check specific warnings to correct them
| 10014 | Warning | **NO_VALID_EMAIL_FOUND** | All provided emails are invalid. Please check specific warnings to correct them
| 10015 | Warning | **INCORRECT_PHONE_FORMAT** | Invalid request. Incorrect Phone Number. Phone Number should be of the form +1310xxxxxxx
| 10016 | Warning | **INVALID_PHONE_FIELDS** | Invalid request. Phone number fields can't be null or empty or exceed maximum allowable length hence will be rejected
| 10017 | Warning | **NO_IS_PREFERRED_GIVEN_FOR_PHONE** | No is preferred is set in phone list hence label rule will be applied but only to valid phone numbers
| 10018 | Warning | **MULTPLE_IS_PREFERRED_GIVEN_FOR_PHONE** | Multiple is preferred is set in phone list hence label rule will be applied but only to valid phone numbers and preferred phones list
| 10019 | Warning | **NO_IS_PREFERRED_GIVEN_FOR_EMAIL** | No is preferred is set in email list hence label rule will be applied but only to valid emails
| 10020 | Warning | **MULTPLE_IS_PREFERRED_GIVEN_FOR_EMAIL** | Multiple is preferred is set in email list hence label rule will be applied but only to valid emails and preferred emails list
| 10021 | Warning | **SINGLE_LABEL_ALLOWED_FOR_PHONE** | Duplicate labels-value exist hence will be rejected
| 10022 | Warning | **SINGLE_LABEL_ALLOWED_FOR_EMAIL** | Duplicate labels-value exist hence will be rejected
| 10023 | Warning | **INCORRECT_EMAIL_FORMAT** | Invalid Email address
| 10024 | Warning | **INVALID_EMAIL_FIELDS** | Invalid request. Email fields can't be null or empty, hence will be rejected
| 10025 | Warning | **EMPTY_ADDRESS_LIST** | Address list is null or empty
| 10026 | Warning | **EMPTY_ADDRESS_SET** | Some address sets are null or empty
| 10039 | Warning | **INCOMPLETE_ADDRESS** | Incomplete address. City, state or zip is null or empty
| 10027 | Warning | **INVALID_ADDRESS** | Invalid address. Line1 can't be null or empty
| 10028 | Warning | **EMPTY_VEHICLE_LIST** | Vehicle list is null or empty
| 10029 | Warning | **EMPTY_BEST_TIME_TO_CONTACT** | Best time to contact is null or empty
| 10030 | Warning | **EMPTY_PREFERRED_COMMUNICATION** | Preferred communnication is null or empty
| 10031 | Warning | **EMPTY_VIN** | Some vehicles' vin are null or empty
| 10032 | Warning | **EMPTY_VEHICLE_SET** | Some vehicles sets are null or empty
| 10033 | Warning | **INVALID_VIN** | Invalid vins.
| 10034 | Warning | **REMOVED_INVALID_VIN** | Invalid vins, hence will be rejected
| 10035 | Warning | **NULL_VALIDATE_VIN** | validateVin param is null, setting it to true by default
| 10036 | Warning | **INVALID_START_TIME** | Invalid request. Incorrect Start time format. Start time should be of the form: 00:55:41+00:00 or 00:55:41Z
| 10037 | Warning | **INVALID_END_TIME** | Invalid request. Incorrect End time. End time can't be null or empty and should be of the form: 00:55:41+00:00 or 00:55:41Z
| 10038 | Warning | **INVALID_PREFERRED_COMMUNICATION** | Invalid request. Incorrect Preferred Communication. Preferred Communication should either be Phone, Email or Text.
| 10062 | Warning | **CUSTOMER_UUID_CHANGED** | UUID for this customer has changed to _new_uuid, please use _new_uuid in future.
| 10063 | Warning | **NO_ORDER_FOUND** | No order number / customer found for given search term
| 10064 | Warning | **FAILED_HTTP_REQUEST** | HTTP request not successful
| 10064 | Warning | **VEHICLE_DIAGNOSIS_LOOKBACK** | Remote Diagnostic was requested on (:date) by (:advisor) . Are you sure you want to send another request?
| 10065 | Warning | **VEHICLE_DIAGNOSIS_LOOKBACK_AUTOMATICALLY** | Remote Diagnostic was requested on (:date) AUTOMATICALLY . Are you sure you want to send another request?
| 10066 | Warning | **MULTIPLE_PREFERRED_ADDRESS** | Received multiple preferred address.
| 10067 | Warning | **DUPLICATE_LINE1** | Multiple addresses had same line 1. Line 1 should be unique for a customer.

| 10034 | Error | **EMAIL_ALREADY_REGISTERED** | Email Address already registered. Please login.
| 10035 | Error | **INVALID_CU_SESS_UUID** | Invalid customer user session UUID is provided in the request
| 10036 | Error | **NO_CUSTOMER_USER_SESSION_UUID** | Invalid dealer department UUID UUID is provided in the request
| 10037 | Error | **NULL_DDEPT_UUID** | No dealer department UUID is provided in the request
| 10038 | Error | **INVALID_DDEPT_UUID** | Invalid dealer department UUID UUID is provided in the request
| 10039 | Error | **NULL_CREDENTIALS** | Auth credentials are empty or null
| 10040 | Error | **ACCESS_FORBIDDEN** | Access Forbidden!!
| 10041 | Error | **WRONG_CREDENTIAL** | Authorization refused for provided credentials. Wrong username and password.
| 10042 | Error | **REQUEST_NOT_AUTHROIZED** | Authentication passed but Authorization failed.
| 10043 | Error | **INTERNAL_SERVER_EXCEPTION** | Something went wrong on our side
| 10044 | Error | **INTERNAL_ERROR_GET_CUSTOMER** | Some error occured while getting customer
| 10045 | Error | **INTERNAL_ERROR_GET_CUSTOMER_LIST** | Some error occured while getting customers list
| 10046 | Error | **INTERNAL_ERROR_SAVE_BEST_TIME_TO_CONTACT** | Some error occured while saving best time to contact
| 10047 | Error | **INTERNAL_ERROR_UPDATE_BEST_TIME_TO_CONTACT** | Some error occured while updating best time to contact
| 10048 | Error | **INTERNAL_ERROR_SAVE_ADDRESS** | Some error occured while saving address
| 10049 | Error | **INTERNAL_ERROR_UPDATE_ADDRESS** | Some error occured while updating address
| 10050 | Error | **INTERNAL_ERROR_SAVE_PREFCOMM** | Some error occured while saving preferred communication
| 10051 | Error | **INTERNAL_ERROR_UPDATE_PREFCOMM** | Some error occured while updating preferred communication
| 10052 | Error | **INTERNAL_ERROR_SAVE_VEHICLE** | Some error occured while saving vehicles
| 10053 | Error | **INTERNAL_ERROR_UPDATE_VEHICLE** | Some error occured while updating vehicles
| 10054 | Error | **CUSTOMER_EXISTS** | Customer already exists please try POST request instead of PUT
| 10055 | Error | **CUSTOMER_NOT_EXISTS** | Customer doesn't exists for given UUID
| 10056 | Error | **NO_CUSTOMER_UUID** | Customer Uuid is required for POST request
| 10057 | Error | **INCORRECT_CUSTOMER_KEY** | A different customer already exists with provided customer key. Please try again with a unique customer key
| 10058 | Error | **SEARCH_TERM_EMPTY** | Invalid request. Search Term can not be null or empty.
| 10059 | Error | **INVALID_SEARCH_TERM** | Invalid request. Search Term should have minimum of 3 characters.
| 10060 | Error | **NO_MERGE_RECORD_FOUND** | CustomerGUID should be of primary customer
| 10061 | Error | **DA_NOT_EXISTS** | Provide valid service advisor uuid
| 10062 | Error | **INVALID_DEPARTMENT_UUID** | DepartmentUUID sent is wrong. Please provide valid DepartmentUUID
| 10063 | Error | **INTERNAL_ERROR_SEARCH_CUSTOMER** | Some error occured while searching customers
| 10064 | Error | **INVLAID_DEALER_UUID** | Either the dealer Uuid provided is invalid or no dealer uuid provided
| 10065 | Error | **ORDERTYPE_MUST_BE_PROVIDED** | When includng dealer order , order type must be provided
| 10066 | Error | **PREFFERED_PHONE_NOT_EXISTS** | Preferred phone must exists in atleast one of the merging customers
| 10067 | Error | **PREFFERED_EMAIL_NOT_EXISTS** | Preferred email must exists in atleast one of the merging customers
| 10068 | Error | **REQUEST_NOT_AUTHORIZED** | Authentication passed but Authorization failed.
| 10069 | Error | **INVALID_REQUEST_DATA** | Incorrect data sent in request
| 10070 | Error | **INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR** | Internal Server Error
| 10071 | Error | **ACCESS_FORBIDDEN_INVALID_PARTNER** | Invalid partner, Access Forbidden!!
| 10072 | Error | **EMPTY_REQUEST_UUID** | RequestUUID is Empty
| 10073 | Error | **INVALID_REQUEST_UUID** | RequestUUID is not valid
| 10074 | Error | **ERROR_UPDATING_UPLOAD_REQUEST** | Error while updating upload request
| 10075 | Error | **EMPTY_FILE_RECEIVED** | Empty File Received
| 10076 | Error | **ERROR_UPLOADING_FILE** | Error while uploading file
| 10077 | Error | **UNSUPPORTED_DOCUMENT_TYPE** | Unsupported Document Type
| 10078 | Error | **EMPTY_TENDER_DATA** | Tender data can not be empty
| 10079 | Error | **INVALID_SUPPORTED_DATA** | The requested data storage facility is not present
| 10080 | Error | **INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_KEY** | The provided attribute key does not exist
| 10081 | Error | **MISMATCHED_PAGE_REQUESTID** | The requested page does not belong to the given request id
| 10082 | Error | **INVALID_PAGEID** | Invalid page id sent
| 10083 | Error | **FILE_MEMORY_LIMIT_EXCEEDED** | Uploaded File exceeds the reserved memory limit
| 10083 | Error | **INAVLID_STATUS** | The given status to update is invalid
| 10084 | Error | **INVALID_PAGE_UUID** | PageUUID is not valid
| 10085 | Error | **INVALID_TOKEN** | Provide a valid token.
| 10086 | Error | **PAYMENT_FAILED** | Credit card addition not successful
| 10087 | Error | **DOCUMENT_TYPE_BLANK** | Document type is blank
| 10088 | Error | **DOCUMENT_SUBTYPE_BLANK** | Document subtype is blank
| 10089 | Error | **VAULT_API_CALL_FAILED** | unable to call vault api
| 10090 | Error | **CUSTOMER_API_CALL_FAILED** | unable to call customer api
| 10091 | Error | **FILE_NOT_SET** | adding file failed
| 10092 | Error | **INVALID_DURATION** | duration is not positive value
| 10093 | Error | **TOKEN_EXPIRED** | The token has expired
| 10094 | Error | **PAYMENT_API_CALL_FAILED** | unable to call payment api
| 10095 | Error | **INVALID_SUPPPORTED_VIEW** | added supported view is invalid
| 10096 | Error | **ERROR_FETCHING_INVOICES** | error while fetching invoices
| 10097 | Error | **INVALID_CUSTOMER_UUID** | invalid customer uuid
| 10098 | Error | **DIFFERENT_MERGING_SET_DETECTED** | Customers belonging to different merge set detected
| 10098 | Error | **NO_CUSTOMER_GUIDS_PRESENT_IN_LIST** | List to fetch latest profile data for multiple customers is empty
| 10099 | Error | **CUSTOMER_PROFILE_VIEW_REQUEST_NOT_EXISTS** | No profile view request found for customer
| 10100 | Error | **CUSTOMER_DEPARTMENT_DEALERID_MISMATCHED** | Request not allowed because dealer id of customer and dealer id of department didn't matched
| 10100 | Error | **NO_ITEMS_FOUND** | No items found for the given customerProfileViewRequestUuid
| 10101 | Error | **ERROR_FETCHING_ITEMS** | Error while fetching items
| 10102 | Error | **MISSING_PII_DATA_UUID** | Missing pii data uuid
| 10103 | Error | **NULL_TITLE_FOR_TEMPLATE** | Title is not present for template
| 10104 | Error | **NULL_MESSAGE_FOR_TEMPLATE** | Message is not present for template
| 10105 | Error | **NULL_DEALER_UUID_FOR_TEMPLATE** | Dealer uuid is not present for template
| 10106 | Error | **NO_TEMPLATE_FOUND_FOR_UUID** | template not found for uuid
| 10107 | Error | **INVALID_TEMPLATE_UUID** | template uuid is not present for template
| 10108 | Error | **NO_VEHICLE_UUID** | vehicle uuid is missing from request
| 10109 | Error | **NULL_UPDATE_SIGNATURE_ITEM_REQUEST** | Received null or empty Update Item Signature Request
| 10110 | Error | **UPDATE_SIGNATURE_INVALID_PARAMS** | Some required params are null or empty
| 10111 | Error | **NULL_SIGNATURE_TEXT_FILE** | Either signature text or file is required for generating signed invoice
| 10112 | Error | **SEARCH_STORAGE_TIMEOUT** | Timeout received for search backend. Please try again
| 10113 | Error | **SEARCH_STORAGE_EXCEPTION** | Error received for search backend. Please try again
| 10114 | Error | **EMPTY_REQUEST_BODY** | Please provide a non-empty request body.
| 10115 | Error | **EMPTY_TOKEN** | Please provide a non-empty token.
| 10116 | Error | **NO_ITEMS_FOR_PROVIDED_TOKEN** | No items present for provided token
| 10117 | Error | **VEHICLE_DETAILS_EMPTY** | Requested vehicle details are empty
| 10118 | Error | **INVALID_CREATOR_USER_UUID** | invalid creator user uuid


Security Scheme Type:http
HTTP Authorization Scheme:basic