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Fetch all operations and send excel over email

This function generates an Excel file containing operations data and sends it over email for a specified dealer, with authorization and error handling.

Path Parameters
    dealerUUID string required

    The dealerUUID parameter is a path variable representing the unique identifier of a dealer. It is extracted from the URL path of the request to identify the specific dealer for whom the operations data is being fetched and processed.

Cookie Parameters
    mkid string required

    The mkid parameter in the generateOperationsExcelAndSendOverEmail method is annotated with @Deprecated and is retrieved from a cookie value using @CookieValue("mkid"). This parameter is likely used to retrieve a specific identifier from a cookie in the HTTP request.

Request Body required

The fetchOperationsRequest parameter is a request body object that contains information needed to fetch operations and generate an Excel file to be sent over email. It likely includes details such as filters, sorting criteria, and any other parameters required to retrieve the operations data for the specified dealer.

    requesterUserUUID string
    onlineSchedulerVisibility boolean
    mobileServiceVisibility boolean
    serviceCartVisibility boolean
    dealerAppSchedulerVisibility boolean
    checkInVisibility boolean
    startPosition int32
    endPosition int32
    isLastPage boolean
    resultSize int32
    communicationCodes string[]
    opCodes string[]
    uuidList string[]
    getTotalCount boolean
    getMkAndDmsSimilarOpcodeCount boolean
    searchToken string
    sortPreference string

    Possible values: [OPCODE, NAME, PRICE, SORT_ORDER, _SCORE]

    sortDirection string

    Possible values: [ASCENDING, DESCENDING]

    eventDealerAssociateUuid string
    serviceTypeList string[]


    brandIdList int64[] deprecated
    vehicleMakeList string[] deprecated
    typeList string[]


    mileageDTOList object[]
  • Array [
  • startMileage int64
    repeatInterval int64
    endMileage int64
  • ]
  • baseVehicleId int64
    engineId int64
    minPrice double
    maxPrice double
    dmsLaborPriceMismatch boolean
    severityFlag string
    engineList string[]
    modelList string[]
    yearList int32[]
    trimList string[]

The method generateOperationsExcelAndSendOverEmail is returning a ResponseEntity object with the body containing an ApiResponse object.

    errors object[]
  • Array [
  • errorName string
    errorMessage string
    errorCode int32
  • ]
  • warnings object[]
  • Array [
  • warningCode string
    warningTitle string
    warningMessage string
  • ]
  • statusCode int32
    apiRequestId string