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How to read a customer

This document is designed to help you understand how you can read a particular customer. The endpoint enables user to get details of a speicifc customer. To read a customer , you first need your credentials. If you don't already have one, head over to the Authentication and Authorization page to see how you can request for credentials from us.

Parameters Used

Path parameters

Parameter NameValueDescriptionRequired
departmentUUIDStringUnique identifier of dealer departmentYes
customerUUIDStringUnique identifier of customerYes

Request parameters

Parameter NameDescriptionRequiredDefault Value
{{excludeVehicles}}Boolean operator to indicate whether to include the list of vehicles in the response. Use true to exclude vehicles and false to include them.Nofalse


Parameter NameDescriptionRequired
{{basic_auth_token}}Authorization: Base64 encoded string using Service Subscriber Username and passwordYes


This request requires the following authorization scopes:

customer.searchDealerDepartmentAuthorises client to fetch customers provided dealer department


curl -X GET "{{departmentUUID}}/customer/{{customerUUID}}"
-H "accept: application/json"
-H "Authorization: {{basic_auth_token}}"


"errors": [
"errorCode": 0,
"errorTitle": "string",
"errorMessage": "string"
"warnings": [
"warningCode": 0,
"warningTitle": "string",
"warningMessage": "string"
"customerWithVehicles": {
"customer": {
"id": 0,
"customerKey": "string",
"firstName": "string",
"middleName": "string",
"lastName": "string",
"company": "string",
"preferredLocale": "string",
"emails": [
"emailAddress": "string",
"label": "string",
"okToEmail": true,
"isPreferred": true,
"comments": "string"
"phoneNumbers": [
"phoneNumber": "string",
"label": "string",
"okToCall": true,
"okToText": true,
"isPreferred": true,
"comments": "string"
"preferredCommunication": "string",
"bestTimeToContact": {
"startTime": "string",
"endTime": "string"
"addresses": [
"line1": "string",
"line2": "string",
"city": "string",
"zip": "string",
"addressType": "string",
"type": "COMMON",
"country": "string",
"updateTS": "2025-02-07T06:15:11.849Z",
"uuid": "string",
"isValid": true,
"isPreferred": true,
"state": "string"
"availability": 0,
"isBusiness": true,
"customerUuid": "string",
"customerId": "string"
"vehicles": [
"id": 0,
"vin": "string",
"vehicleKey": "string",
"isValid": true,
"imageUrl": "string",
"brandId": 0,
"licensePlate": "string",
"color": "string",
"vehicleModel": "string",
"vehicleYear": "string",
"vehicleTrim": "string",
"vehicleUuid": "string",
"vehicleEngine": "string",
"estimatedMileage": "string",
"vehicleMake": "string"

Quick summary of getCustomer response fields

Parameter NameDescription
idUnique identifier used by mykaarma to uniquely identify each customer in mykaarma databases. This value should not be used by vendor and in near future would always be null
firstNamefisr name of the customer
middleNamemiddle name of the customer
lastNamelast name of the customer
preferredLocaleCustomer's preferred language or locale.
isBusinessboolean indicating whether the cusotmer is business customer or not.
customerKeyUnique identifier used by DMS to uniquely identify each customer, used by mykaarma to lookup customers in DMS databases for various purposes like update, delete, book appointment
customerUuidUnique identifier used by mykaarma used for uniquely identifying customers over API calls(for read, write, update, delete purposes)
companycompany name of the customer provided if the customer is a BUSINESS customer
dealerIdUnique identifier used by mykaarma to uniquely identify each dealer in mykaarma databases This value should not be used by and vendor and in near future would always be null
addresses.typeEnum with possible values COMMON, PRIMARY, BILLING which tells type of address. COMMON: Used when the primary and billing addresses are the same. PRIMARY: Represents the customer's home address. BILLING: Represents the customer's business address. Recommended: PRIMARY.
addresses.addressTypeIndicates the type of address: use P for PRIMARY/COMMON type and B for BILLING type.
addresses.line1The first line of the customer's address.
addresses.line2The second line of the customer's address, often used for apartment or suite numbers.
addresses.zipThe postal code for the customer's address.
addresses.countryThe country of the customer's address.
addresses.isValidBoolean indicating if the address is valid.
addresses.isPreferredBoolean indicating if this is the customer's preferred address.
addresses.stateThe state or region of the customer's address.
emails.emailAddressThe customer's email address.
emails.labelDescribes the type of email (e.g., personal, work).
emails.okToEmailBoolean indicating if it's permissible to send emails to this address. Allowed values true/false.
emails.isPreferredBoolean indicating if this is the customer's preferred email address. Allowed values true/false.
phoneNumbers.phoneNumberThe customer's phone number, prefixed with +1 for the country code.
phoneNumbers.labelDescribes the type of email (e.g., cell,home,work ).
phoneNumbers.okToCallBoolean indicating if it's permissible to call this number. Allowed values true/false.
phoneNumbers.okToTextBoolean indicating if it's permissible to send text messages to this number. Allowed values true/false.
vehicles.idUnique identifier used by mykaarma to uniquely identify each vehicle in mykaarma databases. This value should not be used by and vendor and in near future would always be null
vehicles.vehicleKeyUnique identifier used by DMS to uniquely identify each vehicle, used by mykaarma to lookup vehicles in DMS databases for various purposes like updation, deletion, booking appointment etc.
vehicles.vehicleUuidUnique identifier used by mykaarma in addition to, used for uniquely identifying vehicles over API calls(for read, write, update, delete purposes) without revealing their database id that is
vehicles.vehicleYearthe year when the vehicle was manufactured
vehicles.vehicleMakethe brand of the vehicle
vehicles.estimatedMileagethe esitmated mileage of the vehicle
vehicles.vehicleEngineengine description of the vehicle
vehicles.vehicleTrimtrim description of the vehicle
vehicles.vehicleModelmodel of the vehicle
vehicles.vinVIN of the vehicle
vehicles.isValidIndicates whether the customer currently owns the vehicle.
errors.errorCodeNumeric code representing the specific error.
errors.errorTitleShort title describing the error.
errors.errorMessageDetailed message explaining the error.
warnings.warningCodeNumeric code representing the specific warning.
warnings.errorTitleShort title describing the warning.
warnings.warningMessageDetailed message explaining the warning.