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How to get appointments by appointment date

This document is designed to help you fetch appointments scheduled on a particular date depending on your use case.

To fetch appointments scheduled for a particular date, you first need your credentials. If you don't already have one, head over to the Authentication and Authorization page to see how you can request for credentials from us.

To fetch appointments scheduled on a particular date you would need.

  • orderUuid (Get it from Get a list of orders)
  • departmentUuid (You would receive this at the time of integration)


HTTP request



Path parameter:

Parameter NameValueDescriptionRequired
departmentUuidStringUnique identifier of dealer's departmentYes
orderUuidStringUnique identifier of repair order in myKaarmaYes


This request requires the following authorization scopes:

appointment.getDepartmentAuthorises client to get appointments for a department


curl -X GET "{{departmentUuid}}/order/{{orderUuid}}"
-H "accept: application/json"
-H "Authorization: {{basic_auth_token}}"


"error": [
"errorCode": 0,
"errorDescription": "string"
"warnings": [
"warningCode": 0,
"warningDescription": "string"
"serviceAppointments": [
"uuid": "string",
"customerInformation": {
"firstName": "string",
"lastName": "string",
"company": "string",
"isBusiness": false,
"customerKey": "string",
"confirmationPhone": "string",
"confirmationEmail": "string",
"custLocale": "string",
"uuid": "string"
"vehicleInformation": {
"vin": "string",
"vehicleKey": "string",
"model": "string",
"year": "string",
"brand": "string",
"trim": "string",
"engine": "string",
"mileage": "string",
"dealerUuid": "string",
"uuid": "string"
"orderInformation": {
"uuid": "string",
"orderNumber": "string",
"orderDate": "string",
"orderType": "string"
"dealerUuid": "string",
"assignedAdvisorUuid": "string",
"creatorAdvisorUuid": "string",
"assignedAdvisorUserUuid": "string",
"creatorAdvisorUserUuid": "string",
"assignedAdvisorDmsDepartmentCode": 0,
"date": "string",
"preferredDate": "string",
"startTime": "string",
"endTime": "string",
"transportOption": {
"uuid": "string",
"altTransportation": "string",
"bookingId": "string",
"bookInThirdParty": false,
"bookingStartDate": "string",
"bookingEndDate": "string",
"bookingIsManual": "string",
"bookingIsValid": "string",
"loanerSmartLink": "string",
"transportation": "string",
"organicTransportation": "string",
"subTransportOptionUuid": "string"
"appointmentKey": "string",
"mileageText": "string",
"recall": false,
"platform": "string",
"appointmentSource": "string",
"newStatus": "string",
"comments": "string",
"internalNotes": "string",
"isCancelled": false,
"reminderCount": 0,
"serviceList": [
"uuid": "string",
"opCode": "string",
"laborOpCode": "string",
"description": "string",
"operationType": "string",
"laborTotal": 0,
"partsTotal": 0,
"shopFees": 0,
"taxes": 0,
"price": 0,
"isValid": true,
"payType": "string",
"sortOrder": 1,
"parentOpcodeUuid": "string",
"menuUuid": "string",
"recallID": "string",
"durationInMins": 1,
"isCustomConcern": false,
"isDealerAddedLine": false
"skillList": [{
"appointmentCommunicationPreferences": {
"emailConfirmation": true,
"textConfirmation": false,
"emailReminder": true,
"textReminder": false,
"confirmationEmail": "string",
"confirmationPhoneNumber": "string",
"notifyCustomer": true,
"sendCommunicationToDA": true
"pdrToOpcodes": {},
"teamUuid": "string",
"dispatchCode": "string",
"customerVehicleInspectionId": "string",
"sarmetaData": {
"appointmentData": {}