๐๏ธ Fetch trips of specific ride type for customer
End-point to fetch a list of trips of a specific ride type for a customer. This end-point would return all trips (past and future) for the customer. Different ride types which we support are Pickup Vehicle, Pickup Customer, Dropoff Customer, Dropoff Vehicle, Loaner Swap and Miscellaneous.
๐๏ธ Fetch trips for a customer
End-point to fetch a list of trips for a customer. This end-point would return all trips (past and future) for the customer.
๐๏ธ Fetch trips not linked to any repair order
End-point to fetch a list of trips not linked to a repair order.
๐๏ธ Fetch minimal trip
End-point to fetch minimal trip details using the trip's identifier. This is used for customer facing app to fetch minimal details like appointment time, trip's identifier, customer's identifier of a trip.
๐๏ธ Fetch trip details
End-point to fetch trip details using a list of trip's identifier.
๐๏ธ Fetch trip details
End-point to fetch trip details using a list of trip's identifier.
๐๏ธ Fetch trip details
End-point to fetch trip details using the trip's identifier.