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Fetch minimal trip

End-point to fetch minimal trip details using the trip's identifier. This is used for customer facing app to fetch minimal details like appointment time, trip's identifier, customer's identifier of a trip.

Path Parameters
    departmentUUID string required

    Unique identifier for a department

    tripUUID string required

    Unique identifier for a trip

Header Parameters
    authorization string required

    Base64 encoded basic auth



    globalAppointment object
    appointmentCreationDateTime string
    appointmentEndDateTime string
    appointmentStartDateTime string
    appointmentType string
    appointmentUuid string
    customerAddress string
    customerUuid string
    dealerUuid string
    departmentUuid string
    estimateSignatureStatus string

    Possible values: [UNSIGNED, SIGNED]

    isValid boolean
    signatureCaptureUrl string
    signedEstimatePdfUrl string
    userUuid string
    vehicleUuid string