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Map trip and internal note

End-point to map a trip with an internal note. Identifiers passed in this end-point are mapped to each other. Pass these carefully else wrong internal note could be mapped to a trip.

Header Parameters
    authorization string required

    Base64 encoded basic auth

Request Body required

Request to map trip with internal note

    customerUUID string
    errors object[]
  • Array [
  • errorCode string
    errorDescription string
    metadata object
    property name* string
  • ]
  • messageUUID string
    metaData object
    property name* string
    requestUUID string
    status string

    Possible values: [SUCCESS, FAILURE]

    warnings object[]
  • Array [
  • warningCode string
    warningDescription string
  • ]


    error object
    errorCode string
    errorDescription string
    metadata object
    property name* string
    messageUuid string
    status boolean
    statusCode int32
    tripUuid string
    warnings object[]
  • Array [
  • warningCode string
    warningDescription string
  • ]