๐๏ธ Force complete trip
End-point to force complete a trip. This end-point is generally used for trips which weren't marked as completed from mobile apps.
๐๏ธ dataFixForUber
๐๏ธ Fetch internal notes
End-point to fetch internal notes
๐๏ธ Create pickup and delivery trip
End-point to create pickup and delivery trip. Upon creation of trip confirmation message is sent to the customer
๐๏ธ Uber callback
End-point to parse callbacks from Uber
๐๏ธ pushDataToRMQ
๐๏ธ Map trip and appointment
End-point to map a trip with an appointment. Identifiers passed in this end-point are mapped to each other. Pass these carefully else wrong appointment could be mapped to a trip.
๐๏ธ Map trip and internal note
End-point to map a trip with an internal note. Identifiers passed in this end-point are mapped to each other. Pass these carefully else wrong internal note could be mapped to a trip.
๐๏ธ Log actions during a trip.
End-point to log different actions like - START DRIVING, IN-PROGRESS, AT DESTINATION, COMPLETED, CANCEL for a trip. These actions are required to track progress of a trip. Each actions is tagged with location coordinates.
๐๏ธ Log offline actions for a trip.
End-point to log actions and locations data saved in offline mode on mobile device. This end-point could also be used to send bulk data for a trip.
๐๏ธ Fetch appointment identifier
End-point to fetch mapped appointment's identifier for a trip.
๐๏ธ Fetch linked trip UUIDs
End-point to fetch linked trips UUIDs for a trip.
๐๏ธ Customer profile link
End-point to send customer's profile for a trip which has a regular service appointment mapped to it.
๐๏ธ Customer profile data
End-point to fetch customer's profile or documents like insurance, DL and credit card uploaded by the customer for a trip
๐๏ธ Post internal note
End-point to post an internal note for a trip. Notes are pushed in mobile app for the driver and are added to customer's thread as well.
๐๏ธ Fetch internal notes
End-point to fetch internal notes posted for a trip.
๐๏ธ Customer profile renew
End-point to resend customer's profile link to the customer of a trip.
๐๏ธ Get trip details in PDF
End-point to get trip details in a PDF. The URL expires after a week. Shouldn't be used for permanent storage.
๐๏ธ Uber Trips
End-point to get summary for uber billing. Don't pass date range of more than 15 days.
๐๏ธ vaultCallback