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Creates a new campaign for the dealer for given department

Newly created campaign will lie under the dealer's subaccount for passed department

Path Parameters
    dealerUUID string required
Request Body required
    messagingServiceSid string
    brandRegistrationSid string
    departmentType string
    useDefaultValuesForRegistration boolean
    description string
    messageFlow string
    messageSamples string[]
    appToPersonUseCase string
    embeddedLinks boolean
    embeddedPhone boolean
    optInMessage string
    optOutMessage string
    helpMessage string
    optInKeywords string[]
    optOutKeywords string[]
    helpKeywords string[]
    termsOfServiceUrl string
    privacyPolicyUrl string
    onlineSchedularUrl string


    status string

    Possible values: [SUCCESS, FAILURE]

    errors object[]
  • Array [
  • errorCode string
    errorDescription string
    errorUID string
  • ]
  • warnings object[]
  • Array [
  • warningCode string
    warningDescription string
  • ]
  • sid string
    brand_registration_sid string
    messaging_service_sid string
    campaign_status string
    campaign_id string