fetch message for given communication uids - unique identifier provided by third part APIs like Twilio for text, call and Postmark for emails
fetch message for given communication uids - unique identifier provided by third part APIs like Twilio for text, call and Postmark for emails
Path Parameters
departmentUUID string required
userUuid string required
Request Body required
communicationIdentifierList string[]
- 200
Example (from schema)
- Array [
- Array [
- ]
- Array [
- Array [
- ]
- ]
- Array [
- ]
- Array [
- Array [
- ]
- Array [
- ]
- ]
- ]
- Array [
- ]
- Array [
- ]
messageDTOList object[]
id int64
uuid string
messageType string
protocol string
fromName string
fromNumber string
toName string
toNumber string
messageSize int32
sentOn date-time
receivedOn date-time
tags string
emailMessageId string
communicationUid string
messagePurpose string
deliveryStatus string
dealerDepartmentUuid string
twilioDeliveryFailureMessage string
numberofMessageAttachments int32
isManual boolean
customerUuid string
customerName string
dealerUuid string
dealerAssociateUuid string
isRead boolean
isArchive boolean
messageExtnDTO object
messageUuid string
messageBody string
subject string
draftMessageMetaDataDTO object
messageUuid string
status string
scheduledOn date-time
reasonForLastFailure string
addSignature boolean
messageMetaDataDTO object
messageUuid string
metaData string
docFiles object[]
docFileName string
fileExtension string
mimeType string
originalFileName string
docSize string
thumbnailFileName string
mediaPreviewURL string
messageUuid string
messagePredictionDTOSet object[]
messageUuid string
predictionFeature object
id int64
predictionFeature string
prediction string
metadata string
messagePredictionFeedback object[]
messagePredictionID int64
userFeedback string
feedbackReason string
userUUID string
departmentUUID string
messageTags object
tagTypes object[]
uuid string
dealerUuid string
name string
displayName string
description string
dataType string
Possible values: [BOOLEAN
iconResourceId string
rank string
parentTagTypeUuids string[]
apiPaths object
searchTags string
getTagDetails string
uiFilteringAllowed boolean
uiStyle string
tags object[]
tagTypeUuid string
referenceIdentifier string
value object
primaryAttribute object
value string
secondaryAttributes object[]
value string
parentTags object[]
tagTypeUuid string
referenceIdentifier string
requestUuid string
errors object[]
errorCode string
errorDescription string
errorUID string
warnings object[]
warningCode string
warningDescription string
"messageDTOList": [
"id": 0,
"uuid": "string",
"messageType": "string",
"protocol": "string",
"fromName": "string",
"fromNumber": "string",
"toName": "string",
"toNumber": "string",
"messageSize": 0,
"sentOn": "2025-02-21T04:30:43.929Z",
"receivedOn": "2025-02-21T04:30:43.929Z",
"tags": "string",
"emailMessageId": "string",
"communicationUid": "string",
"messagePurpose": "string",
"deliveryStatus": "string",
"dealerDepartmentUuid": "string",
"twilioDeliveryFailureMessage": "string",
"numberofMessageAttachments": 0,
"isManual": true,
"customerUuid": "string",
"customerName": "string",
"dealerUuid": "string",
"dealerAssociateUuid": "string",
"isRead": true,
"isArchive": true,
"messageExtnDTO": {
"messageUuid": "string",
"messageBody": "string",
"subject": "string"
"draftMessageMetaDataDTO": {
"messageUuid": "string",
"status": "string",
"scheduledOn": "2025-02-21T04:30:43.929Z",
"reasonForLastFailure": "string",
"addSignature": true
"messageMetaDataDTO": {
"messageUuid": "string",
"metaData": "string"
"docFiles": [
"docFileName": "string",
"fileExtension": "string",
"mimeType": "string",
"originalFileName": "string",
"docSize": "string",
"thumbnailFileName": "string",
"mediaPreviewURL": "string",
"messageUuid": "string"
"messagePredictionDTOSet": [
"messageUuid": "string",
"predictionFeature": {
"id": 0,
"predictionFeature": "string"
"prediction": "string",
"metadata": "string",
"messagePredictionFeedback": [
"messagePredictionID": 0,
"userFeedback": "string",
"feedbackReason": "string",
"userUUID": "string",
"departmentUUID": "string"
"messageTags": {
"tagTypes": [
"uuid": "string",
"dealerUuid": "string",
"name": "string",
"displayName": "string",
"description": "string",
"dataType": "BOOLEAN",
"iconResourceId": "string",
"rank": "string",
"parentTagTypeUuids": [
"apiPaths": {
"searchTags": "string",
"getTagDetails": "string"
"uiFilteringAllowed": true,
"uiStyle": "string"
"tags": [
"tagTypeUuid": "string",
"referenceIdentifier": "string",
"value": {},
"primaryAttribute": {
"value": "string"
"secondaryAttributes": [
"value": "string"
"parentTags": [
"tagTypeUuid": "string",
"referenceIdentifier": "string"
"requestUuid": "string",
"errors": [
"errorCode": "string",
"errorDescription": "string",
"errorUID": "string"
"warnings": [
"warningCode": "string",
"warningDescription": "string"