๐๏ธ createCalendar
๐๏ธ This end-point saves reservation for resources
You can choose if you want to apply the default overall availability check or not.
๐๏ธ Fetches reservations for resources.
If uuids are present in request then rest of the filters are not honoured.
๐๏ธ This end-point updates reservation for resources.
UUID of reservation is must for further processing.You can choose if you want to apply the default overall availability check or not.
๐๏ธ This end-point saves max count for resources
You can limit the maximum reservations/bookings the resource can have for the given purpose in given time frame.
๐๏ธ This end-point fetches effective max counts for list of resources.
Fetches effective max counts on the basis of various filters. If uuids is present then rest of the fields are not honoured.
๐๏ธ This end-point saves max count for resources
UUID is compulsory for max count update to be processed. Other than it, send only those parameters which are to be updated.
๐๏ธ This end-point saves hours of operation for list of resources
1 is Monday and 7 is Sunday.Start time and end time expected in HH:mm:ss format
๐๏ธ Fetch hour of operation for unique identifiers
1 is Monday and 7 is Sunday.Start time and end time expected in HH:mm:ss format
๐๏ธ This end-point updates hours of operation for list of resources.
1 is Monday and 7 is Sunday.Start time and end time expected in HH:mm:ss format
๐๏ธ This end-point saves availability for resources
You can either mark resource as available or not available. In case of clash, the latest entry will be honoured.
๐๏ธ Fetch availabaility for unique identifier
Availabilities for the list of identifiers are fetched.
๐๏ธ This end-point updates availability for resources
UUID is compulsory for availability update to be processed. Other than it, send only those parameters which are ot be updated.
๐๏ธ This end-point will fetch overall availability for a list of constraints.
This end-point will fetch overall availability for a list of constraints.
๐๏ธ Generate calendar for all resources at dealership
Generates calendar for dealership and its various resources i.e. all users and all departments
๐๏ธ Replicates hours of operation set in myKaarma system for dealership and all its resources.
The hours of operation for resources are set the same as dealership, since they are currently not saved in the system.
๐๏ธ Configure calendar feature at dealership
Webhook url which admin tool uses to configure calendars when feature is turned on
๐๏ธ This end-point fetches hours of operation for list of dealers by day of week
1 is Monday and 7 is Sunday.
๐๏ธ This end-point fetches effective hours of operation for list of resources.
1 is Monday and 7 is Sunday.
๐๏ธ This end-point fetches effective availability for list of resources.
Fetches effective availabilities on the basis of various filters.