๐๏ธ Get ProductStatus for a dealer
Get ProductStatus for a dealer
๐๏ธ Insert or Update ProductStatus for a dealer
Insert or Update ProductStatus for a dealer
๐๏ธ Delete ProductStatus for a dealer
Delete ProductStatus for a dealer
๐๏ธ Create DealerDepartment Group For dealer
Create DealerDepartment Group For dealer
๐๏ธ Map Department Group to Features
Map Department Group to Features
๐๏ธ Map Departments to Department Groups
Map Departments to Department Groups
๐๏ธ Update or Create DealerSetupOptions for list of Dealers.
Update or Create DealerSetupOptions for list of Dealers.
๐๏ธ This end-point saves items, for a dealer, which are required at the time of appointment checkin. Eg- A dealer could ask customer to submit items like insurance and credit card prior to checkin.
Item could be any document which is required for the customer to sign and send back to the dealer, it could be a video or images of vehicle which dealer requires before checkin or could be anything(like VIN) which dealer wants the customer to scan.
๐๏ธ Get list of manual template for a dealer
Get list of manual template for a dealer
๐๏ธ Update list of manual template for a dealer
Update list of manual template for a dealer
๐๏ธ Delete list of manual template for a dealer
Delete list of manual template for a dealer
๐๏ธ Update or Create DealerSetupOptions for given Dealer.
Update or Create DealerSetupOptions for given Dealer.
๐๏ธ Get list of automated template for a dealer
Get list of automated template for a dealer
๐๏ธ Update list of automated template for a dealer
Update list of automated template for a dealer
๐๏ธ Delete list of automated template for a dealer
Delete list of automated template for a dealer
๐๏ธ Get SSO partners and their domain mapping for a dealer
Get SSO partners and their domain mapping for a dealer
๐๏ธ Add SSO Partners for a dealer
Add SSO Partners for a dealer
๐๏ธ Remove SSO Partners for a dealer
Remove SSO Partners for a dealer
๐๏ธ Publish Dealer Creation Event.
Use publishDealerEvent instead
๐๏ธ Publish Dealer Event.
Publish Dealer Event.
๐๏ธ Add list of automated template for a dealer
Add list of automated template for a dealer
๐๏ธ Get list of automated template for a dealer
Get list of automated template for a dealer
๐๏ธ Get common option key prompts for the list of dealers
Get common option key prompts for the list of dealers
๐๏ธ Get dealer franchises for the list of dealers
Get dealer franchises for the list of dealers
๐๏ธ Create dealer
Create dealer
๐๏ธ Get list of filtered automated template for a dealer
Get list of filtered automated template for a dealer
๐๏ธ Update or Create DealerSetupOption for given OptionKey and Dealer. OptionKey should be provided as a path parameter.
Update or Create DealerSetupOption for given OptionKey and Dealer. OptionKey should be provided as a path parameter.
๐๏ธ Add list of manual template for a dealer
Add list of manual template for a dealer
๐๏ธ Get Dealer Availability Calendar for a Given Date
Get Dealer Availability Calendar for a Given Date
๐๏ธ Get valid status For dealer UUID
Get valid status For dealer UUID
๐๏ธ This end-point fetches list of items on the basis of dealer uuids and item uuids
If list of item uuids is not present, then all items of dealers present in dealer uuids list are returned.If list of item uuids is present then only items corresponding to uuids
๐๏ธ Get DealerSubscriptions for Subscriptions in given Dealers
Get DealerSubscriptions for Subscriptions in given Dealers
๐๏ธ Get Roles for given dealers based on the Products those dealers are subscribed to
Get Roles for given dealers based on the Products those dealers are subscribed to
๐๏ธ Get DealerProducts for given Dealers
Get DealerProducts for given Dealers
๐๏ธ Get meta data for given dealers
Max number of dealerships supported: 100, if exceeded a warning will be returned without the data
๐๏ธ Get Dealers For Uuids
Get Dealers For Uuids
๐๏ธ Get groups for given dealers
Get groups for given dealers
๐๏ธ Get DealerFeatures for keys in given Dealers
Get DealerFeatures for keys in given Dealers
๐๏ธ Configure Feature switched on/off for dealer
Configure Feature switched on/off for dealer
๐๏ธ Get DealerSetupOptions for OptionKeys in given Dealers
Get DealerSetupOptions for OptionKeys in given Dealers
๐๏ธ Get DealerDMSs for keys in given Dealers
Get DealerDMSs for keys in given Dealers
๐๏ธ Get Departments for given dealers
Get Departments for given dealers
๐๏ธ Get DealerAssociates For dealer Uuids (Migration Agnostic)
Get DealerAssociates For dealer Uuids (Migration Agnostic)
๐๏ธ Get DealerAssociates For dealer Uuids and applied Filters per page in a specific order
find list of dealerAssociates for given dealerUuids and some filters requested, also these results will be sorted based on the field specified in requests, the filters applied can be any of these outOfOffice status, InviteStatus, rowStart, numberOfRows, searchName, roleUuids the sorting will be done on field sortField and sortType can be ASC or DESC
๐๏ธ Get DealerAssociates For dealer Uuids without a given authority
Get DealerAssociates For dealer Uuids without a given authority
๐๏ธ Get DealerAddresses for given Dealers
Get DealerAddresses for given Dealers
๐๏ธ Update products for dealer
Update products for dealer
๐๏ธ This end-point fetches an item, for a dealer, which are required at the time of appointment checkin. Eg- A dealer could ask customer to submit items like insurance and credit card prior to checkin.
Item could be any document which is required for the customer to sign and send back to the dealer, it could be a video or images of vehicle which dealer requires before checkin or could be anything(like VIN) which dealer wants the customer to scan.
๐๏ธ This end-point updates an item, for a dealer, which are required at the time of appointment checkin. Eg- A dealer could ask customer to submit items like insurance and credit card prior to checkin.
Item could be any document which is required for the customer to sign and send back to the dealer, it could be a video or images of vehicle which dealer requires before checkin or could be anything(like VIN) which dealer wants the customer to scan.
๐๏ธ Get Virtual Attributes for a dealer
Get Virtual Attributes for a dealer
๐๏ธ Get Skin for a dealer
Get Skin for a dealer
๐๏ธ Get AWS Attributes for a dealer
Get AWS Attributes for a dealer
๐๏ธ Get DSD (MBUSA) specific dealer status
Get DSD (MBUSA) specific dealer status
๐๏ธ Get dealer provisioning status
Get dealer provisioning status
๐๏ธ Get Email template for a dealer for a given type and locale
Get Email template for a dealer for a given type and locale
๐๏ธ Get all myKaarma dealers
Get all myKaarma dealers
๐๏ธ Get dealer Ids and Uuids map
Get dealer Ids and Uuids map
๐๏ธ This end-point releases number from Twilio and also removes it from CloudPhoneNumber in mykaarma
This end-point releases number from Twilio and also removes it from CloudPhoneNumber in mykaarma