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Get DealerAssociates For dealer Uuids and applied Filters per page in a specific order

find list of dealerAssociates for given dealerUuids and some filters requested, also these results will be sorted based on the field specified in requests, the filters applied can be any of these outOfOffice status, InviteStatus, rowStart, numberOfRows, searchName, roleUuids the sorting will be done on field sortField and sortType can be ASC or DESC
API Scope Level: MultiDealerScope

Path Parameters
    page string required

    page number

Query Parameters
    showAllResults boolean required

    show all results without pagination

Request Body required
    dealerUuids string[]
    validate boolean
    outOfOffice string[]

    Possible values: [IN_OFFICE, OUT_OF_OFFICE]

    inviteStatus string[]

    Possible values: [ACTIVE, PENDING, INACTIVE]

    sortField string
    sortType string
    rowStart string
    numberOfRows string
    searchName string
    roleUuids string[]
    doNotValidate boolean


    errors object[]
  • Array [
  • errorCode int32
    errorTitle string
    errorMessage string
  • ]
  • warnings object[]
  • Array [
  • warningCode int32
    warningTitle string
    warningMessage string
  • ]
  • apiRequestId string
    dealerAssociates object
    property name* object[]
  • Array [
  • id int64
    uuid string
    userUuid string
    firstName string
    lastName string
    cellPhone string
    textNumber string
    emailAddress string
    nickname string
    associateDmsID string
    imageUrl string
    isValid boolean
    bio string
    defaultThreadOwnerUserUUID string
    userInviteStatus string
    outOfOffice string
    outOfOfficeStartDate string
    department object
    id int64
    name string
    uuid string
    calendarUuid string
    brokerNumber string
    communicationGroup string
    departmentType string
    phoneNumber string
    textNumber string
    emailAddress string
    contactFName string
    contactLName string
    dealer object
    id int64
    name string
    uuid string
    isValid boolean
    role object
    roleName string
    roleAcronym string
  • ]
  • totalPages int32
    totalElements int64