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Update Automated Smart Template - This is a non incremental API, send all changes when updating, else anything which is not sent will be updated to null, empty or false.

Update Automated Smart Template - This is a non incremental API, send all changes when updating, else anything which is not sent will be updated to null, empty or false.

Path Parameters
    dealerUUID string required
    smartTemplateUuid string required
Request Body required
    typeDesc string
    typeName string
    defaultTemplate string
    templateType string

    Possible values: [TEXT, EMAIL]

    isSmartTemplate boolean
    resourceUuid string
    inSelfAdmin boolean
    mandatoryTCPAFooter boolean
    isFreemarkerTemplate boolean


    errors object[]
  • Array [
  • errorCode int32
    errorTitle string
    errorMessage string
  • ]
  • warnings object[]
  • Array [
  • warningCode int32
    warningTitle string
    warningMessage string
  • ]
  • apiRequestId string
    uuid string