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Incremental update DealerAssociate with features to add or remove

Incremental update DealerAssociate with features to add or remove

Path Parameters
    user_uuid string required
    ServiceSubscriberDepartment string required
Request Body required
    featuresToAdd object[]
  • Array [
  • key string
    name string
    description string
    signUpUrl string
    informationUrl string
    email string
    uuid string
    category string
  • ]
  • featuresToRemove object[]
  • Array [
  • key string
    name string
    description string
    signUpUrl string
    informationUrl string
    email string
    uuid string
    category string
  • ]


    errors object[]
  • Array [
  • errorCode int32
    errorTitle string
    errorMessage string
  • ]
  • warnings object[]
  • Array [
  • warningCode int32
    warningTitle string
    warningMessage string
  • ]
  • apiRequestId string
    dealerAssociateUuid string